
Elsa NuGet Packages

Elsa Workflows is modular and distributed via several NuGet packages. This allows you to pick and choose the components you need, ensuring a lightweight integration into your projects.

Core Elsa Package

The primary package you'll need to get started with Elsa is the Elsa package. It's a bundle that includes the following essential packages:

  • Elsa.Api.Common
  • Elsa.Mediator
  • Elsa.Workflows.Core
  • Elsa.Workflows.Management
  • Elsa.Workflows.Runtime

To install the core Elsa package, use the dotnet CLI:

dotnet add package Elsa

While the core package provides a solid foundation, Elsa offers additional packages for specialized scenarios.

Elsa Package Feeds

Elsa Workflows packages are distributed through various feeds based on their stability and release phase:

Release candidatesNuGet


Stable versions of Elsa are distributed via

Release Candidates (RC)

RC packages are also available on They offer a sneak peek into upcoming features, allowing users to test and provide feedback before the final release. While RC packages are generally stable, they might still undergo changes before the final release.


Preview versions represent the cutting-edge developments in Elsa. They are automatically built and deployed to a public feed on Feedz whenever changes are pushed to the v3 branch. While they provide the latest features and fixes, they might introduce breaking changes.

To access preview packages, include the feed URL when using the dotnet CLI or add it to your NuGet.config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <clear />
    <add key="NuGet official package source" value="" />
    <add key="Elsa 3 preview" value="" />

Preview packages

Ensure the "Preview" checkbox is ticked in your NuGet explorer to view the preview packages.

Versioning Strategy

Elsa adheres to a clear versioning strategy:

  • Released packages: Major.Minor.Revision (e.g., 3.0.1)
  • Release Candidate packages: Major.Minor.Revision-preview.X (e.g., 3.0.2-preview.64)
  • Preview packages: Major.Minor.Revision-preview.X (e.g., 3.0.2-preview.128)

The major version remains consistent unless significant changes occur. New features increment the minor version, while fixes or minor improvements bump the revision number.
